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1. WangJun, Qi Zhanhui, Yang Zhencai,2014Evaluation of the protein requirement of juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle(Pelodiscus sinensis,Wiegmann) fed with practical diets. Aquaculture 433: 252–255.
2. JiaYanju, Yang Zhencai, Hao Yujiang, Gao Yongli. 2005 Effects of animal-plantprotein ratio in extruded and expanded feed on nitrogen and energy budgets ofjuvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle(Pelodiscus sinensis Wiegmann), AquacultureResearch, 36(1):61-68。
3. XieQuansen,Yang Zhencai, Li Junwei, Li Yujuan. 2012 Effect of protein restrictionwith subsequent realimentation on compensatory growth of juvenile soft-shelledturtles, Pelodiscus sinensis. Aquaculture international 20(1): 19–27.
4. HouJinliang, Jia Yanju, Yang Zhencai , Li Yujuan, Cheng Fuxing, Li Dan, JiFangshuo, 2013 Effects of Taurine Supplementation on Growth Performance andAntioxidative Capacity of Chinese soft-shelled Turtles, Pelodiscus sinensis,Fed a Diet of Low Fishmeal Content. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society,44(6): 786-794.
5. WangJun, Qi Zhanhui, Yang Zhencai, 2016 Effects of Dietary Protein Level on Nitrogen and Energy Budget ofJuvenile Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, Wiegmann. Journal ofthe World Aquaculture Society, 47(3): 450-458.
6. LiJunwei, Yang Zhencai, Han Xiaoling, Xie Quansen, Liu Haiyan, 2016 Effects of Dietary Vitamins A, B2, and B6Supplementation on Growth and Feed Utilization of Juvenile Chinese Soft-shelledTurtle Pelodiscus sinensis according to an Orthogonal Array Experiment. AsianHerpetological Research, 7(4): 278–286.
7. JiYingguang , Liu Haiyan, Song Zhe, Yang Zhencai, 2016 Effects of Feeding Time on the GrowthPerformance and Variation of RNA/DNA Ratio of the Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle,Pelodiscus sinensis. Asian Herpetological Research 2016, 7(4): 271–277.
8. JiYingguang, Gu Yipeng, Liu Haiyan, Yang Zhencai, Li Chunsheng, 2017 The effectsof partial replacement of white fish meal by poultry by‑productmeal and addition of bile acid in feed on growth, digestibility, and serumenzyme activities of the Chinese soft‑shelled turtle. Fisheries Science,83:83–88.
9. JiFangshuo, Xie Quansen, Liu Haiyan, Li Yujuan, Yang Zhencai, 2017 HepaticRNA:DNA ratio as a reliable indicator of the growth performance of juvenilePelodiscus sinensis under nutritional stress. Fisheries Science, 83:309–315
10. JiFangshuo, Liu Haiyan, Li Chao, Yang Zhencai, 2017 The effect of photoperiod regimes on dailyRNA:DNA ratio rhythms in Chinese soft-shelled turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis),Amphibia-Reptilia, in press.
11. 杨振才,牛翠娟,孙儒泳,2002 温度对中华鳖卵孵化和胚胎发育的影响,动物学报,48(6):716-724.
12. 杨振才,谢小军,孙儒泳,1995 鲇鱼的静止代谢率及其与体重,温度和性别的关系,水生生物学报,19(4):368-373.
13. 杨振才,谢小军,孙儒泳,1996 日粮水平对鲇鱼日总代谢,特殊动力作用和活动代谢的影响,水生生物学报,20(4):333-339.
14. 杨振才, 2007中华鳖对饲料蛋白质需求的研究进展,《动物生态学研究进展》,高等教育出版社.
15. 贾艳菊, 杨振才,2007 膨化饲料动植物蛋白比对中华鳖稚鳖生长特性的影响. 水生生物学报, 31(4): 570-575.
16. 刘海燕, 杨振才,2013,水生龟鳖类糖代谢的研究进展, 动物营养学报25( 2) : 263-267.
17. 张瑞玲,冀芳烁,杨振才,刘海燕,张红娟,2014 不同蛋白源对大菱鲆生长性能和体成分的影响,中国饲料,(5):35-38.
18. 张录强,杨振才,孙儒泳,2001光周期诱导红腹锦鸡冬季繁殖效果初报。动物学报,47(6):709-712.
19. 张录强,杨振才,孙儒泳,2000 长光照诱导红腹锦鸡当年雌鸡冬季繁殖效果的实验研究。动物学研究,21(3):245-247.
20. 杨振才,李双安,2003 中华鳖标准化生产技术,中国农业大学出版社.