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李清扬 博士



电子邮箱[email protected]














1. 国家重点研发计划项目《特色干果产业关键技术研究与应用示范》子课题“板栗副产物综合加工利用关键技术研究与产品创制”,子课题主持人,在研

2. 河北省中央引导地方科技发展资金项目《利用CRISPRi系统构建生产酰基化差异结冷胶的发酵菌株》,项目主持人,在研

3. 河北省农业科技成果转化资金专项《银杏叶发酵生产农业残留降解物的示范与应用》,项目主持人,结题

4. 河北省教育厅青年基金《基于整合子的大肠杆菌基因重组工具构建及其在乌头酸合成中的研究》,项目主持人,在研

5. 河北省中央引导地方科技发展资金项目《不与牛奶反应产生对甲酚的结冷胶生产技术及示范应用》,合作单位主持人,在研


1. Li Q, Zhao P, Li L, Zhao H, Shi L, Tian P. Engineering a CRISPR interference system to repress a class 1 integron in Escherichia coli. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2020,64(3): e01789-19.

2. Li Q, Zhao P, Yin H, Liu Z, Zhao H, Tian P. CRISPR interference-guided modulation of glucose pathways to boost aconitic acid production in Escherichia coli. Microbial Cell Factories. 2020,19: 174.

3. Fang H†, Li Q†, Wang H, Ren Y, Zhang L, Yang L. Maternal nutrient metabolism in the liver during pregnancy. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2024,1295677.(共一)

4. Xiang H†, Li Q†, Sun-Waterhouse D, Li J, Cui C, Waterhouse GI. Improving the color and functional properties of seabuckthorn seed protein by a phytase treatment combined with alkaline solubilization and isoelectric precipitation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2022,102(3):931-939.(共一)

5. Wan X†, Li Q†, Olsen RH, Meng H, Zhang Z, Wang J, Zheng H, Li L, Shi L. Engineering a CRISPR interference system targeting AcrAB-TolC efflux pump to prevent multidrug resistance development in Escherichia coli. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2022,28;77(8):2158-2166.(共一)

6. Li Z, Du Q, Jiao T, Zhu Z, Wan X, Ju C, Liu H*, Li Q*. Effects of probiotic supplementary bioflocs (Rhodospirillum rubrum, Bacillus subtilis, Providencia rettgeri) on growth, immunity, and water quality in cultures of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquaculture. 2024,591: 741141.(通讯)

7. Li Z, Ju C, Jiao T, Liu H*, Li Q*. Effects of biofloc on growth performance and survival of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) through C/N ratio manipulation, probiotic supplementation, and cocultivation time: A meta-analysis. Aquaculture. 2024,587:740837.(通讯)

8. Fu Z, Zhao T, Chu B, Gao W, Li T, Zhang Z, Li Q*, Sun D*. Low and high temperatures promote docosahexaenoic acid accumulation in Crypthecodinium sp. SUN by regulating the polyunsaturated fatty acid synthase pathway and the expression of saturated fatty acid preferred diacylglycerol acyltransferases. Bioresource Technology. 2023,389:129850.(通讯)

9. Zhang X, Zhang Z, Peng Y, Zhang Y, Li Q*, Sun D*. Salicylic acid enhances cell growth, fatty acid and astaxanthin production in heterotrophic Chromochloris zofingiensis without reactive oxygen species elevation. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2024,3;17(1):1.(通讯)

10. Li Y, Zhao T, Gao W, Miao B, Fu Z, Zhang Z, Li Q*, Sun D*. Regulatory mechanisms of autophagy on DHA and carotenoid accumulation in Crypthecodinium sp. SUN. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2024,17(1): 50.(通讯)

11. Li J, Sun D, Wu J, Liu F, Xu Y, Wang Y, Shui X, Li Q*, Zhao B*. Lithium enhanced plasmid-mediated conjugative transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes in Escherichia coli: Different concentrations and mechanisms. Aquatic Toxicology. 2025,279:107263.(通讯)

12. Zhao P, Li Q, Tian P, Tan T. Switching metabolic flux by engineering tryptophan operon-assisted CRISPRi system in Klebsiella pneumonia. Metabolic Engineering. 2021,65:30-41.

13. Wang Y, Li Q, Tian P, Tian T. Snapshot of RNA polymerase to unleash its potential in strain improvement. Biotechnology Advances. 2022,54:107792.

14. Gong H, Li Q, Zhang H, Ye L, Shi L, Feng Y. Development and comparison of qPCR and qLAMP for rapid detection of the Decapod iridescent virus 1 (DIV 1). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 2021,107567.

15. 陈佳乐,水小溪,赵宝华,张禹,焦天悦,刘旭冉,李清扬*. 结冷胶的生物合成及其应用研究综述,河北省科学院学报. 2023,40(3):45-52.(通讯)

16. 于子箫,田洋,李全振,赵宝华,陈佳乐,李清扬*. 河北鱼源气单胞菌分离株耐药性研究,河北渔业. 2022,(5):1-6.(通讯)

17. 李清扬,李智. 理学专业课程思政建设的现实困境与对策,河北农业大学学报. 2023,25(3):125-132.

18. 李清扬,崔冠慧,习彦花,李欣,张根伟,程辉彩. 耐低温淀粉酶产生菌C-9的筛选、鉴定及酶学特性研究,中国饲料. 2014,21:18-20


1. 李清扬、焦天悦、水小溪、张禹、赵宝华、张国沛、胡秋宇,一种少动鞘氨醇单胞菌的CRISPRi/dCas9基因抑制系统及其构建方法和应用

2. 李清扬、刘旭冉、焦天悦、郭宁、王天宜、樊建晔、赵若晗、张禹、赵宝华,一种少动鞘氨醇单胞菌CRISPRi/dCas12a基因调控系统及其构建方法和应用

3. 李清扬、孙卜文、李智、赵宝华,一种板栗苞中棕色色素的提取方法

4. 李清扬、赵宝华、郑园园、焦天悦,一种基于重组酶聚合酶扩增技术检测鲟源海豚链球菌的引物、探针及其试剂盒和应用

5. 李清扬、李一鸣、焦义然、张婵、石磊、时国强、范葶莉、李翀、王琨,同时检测PEDV、PRRSV、TGEV和PoRV的引物、试剂盒及其使用方法

6. 水小溪、李清扬、陈佳乐、张禹、赵宝华,一种少动鞘氨醇单胞菌CRISPRi系统、其构建方法及应用

7. 葛喜珍、李清扬、李映,一种防治杂菌感染的桑黄栽培方法

8. 李一鸣、李清扬、焦义然、石磊、张婵、范葶莉、时国强、李翀、王琨,一种检测猪瘟病毒的LAMP引物组、试剂盒及其使用方法

9. 李一鸣、李清扬、焦义然、张婵、石磊、范葶莉、时国强、李翀、王琨,一种犬细小病毒的检测引物、试剂盒及其使用方法


1. 2023年第二届全国博士后创新创业大赛河北省优胜奖

2. 2023届港澳宝80801优秀论文指导教师

3. 2024年港澳宝80801院处级优秀共产党员

4. 2023年港澳宝80801院处级先进工作者

5. 2022、2023年港澳宝80801师德师风优秀

6. 2022-2023学年港澳宝80801本科生优秀班主任

7. 2023-2024学年港澳宝80801本科教学优秀奖

8. 2022-2023学年港澳宝80801汇华学院本科教学优秀奖
